I am in my early 40's with a professional background in property management. I am grateful for the skills I've learned over the past 10 years but want to apply them towards a more meaningful end goal. I am open to considering all possibilities and opportunities and am very excited for my next step, but living in a small town limits professional options. In the meantime, I am working but feeling stressed about finances and don't want to succumb to this negative energy and let it take over. I consistently network, I am a hard worker, and I absolutely love my life so I am eager to begin the next step.
Any advice or insight as to how I can minimize this growing stress or how I might be able to be more successful in the job search?
Namaste, Gerty.
As I was reading your question, I felt a very old soul coming forth from the Old Testament from “Hebrew” the Biblical days of “ Mother Mary” with a bond of strength, independence, and keeping family together. I also see jewels of emeralds, turquoise, and blues surrounding you with a ruby.
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In your experience, what is the best way to deal with insensible people on a day-to-day basis? There are days when I find this very taxing. There are times when I don't even wish to attend social events. Any advice you could give would be appreciated.
Namaste. Thank you for your question, John.
As I read into your energy, the reason why you are not wanting to be around other energies is because you are evolving into a higher level of consciousness and transforming the old self while transcending into the new. For some time now, your soul has been calling you to reflect upon your journey. You will find that certain friends, family, and business connections you have do not feel right anymore, and this can cause you to feel alone. Look back on the past two years. Look at where you were, who you were hanging out with, and how far you have come in your evolutionary process.
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I've worked my entire life (sometimes 3 to 4 jobs at a time) and now find myself in a new role as a stay-at-home mom. I love my time with my baby, but I feel there is something out there for me to focus on besides motherhood. I 100% don't want to go back to any job I was working at previously, so I struggle with finding a passion that takes me away from my baby.
I journal and meditate trying to find what to do next but nothing has come to me. Can you help me with finding my next move? Or at least a path?
Namaste and thank you for your question Chloe!
It is interesting as the first thing I felt and saw with your energy is the color blue with a lot of bear energy. The energy of the bear is very strong, wanting you to confront the ancient teachings of the wisdom of your soul and tune into your instincts, the ‘eye of Shiva.’ You have a lot of “witchy” energy to say the least. I also hear the bear say ‘peek a boo.’ He will come out when you least expect his presence.
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I am wondering about my soul life and journey. I have made many attempts to do my life's purpose and met with failure repeatedly and tire of my day to day job. My mother passed in January of this year and I feel this cleared some energy for me. When or will my life's soul purpose begin? And, how do I go about it?
Namaste Lily and thank you for your question!
I am not surprised at all that you are going through these changes. As I reflect back upon the evolution of your souls journey, I can see that you have been struggling for a while with “where do I go” and “what do I do,“ etc. Believe it or not, you are right on track. Soul has shown you for a while that things are no longer the same. Your life has been changing. You have been feeling that you are going backwards and not forward. It’s time to stop the struggle with force and control of how you should change things. The more pressure you put on yourself the less you will see…
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Lacey has a foundered right foot and the bone is 1 cm. from coming through the bottom of the foot, is there something specifically I can do to help her more and does Lacey's spirit want to stay alive or is she getting ready to pass on?
Namaste Susan and thank you for your question regarding your stunningly beautiful horse Lacey!
When your question was sent to me, the first thing I felt was Lacey’s spirit going right through me. My hairs stood up on my arms and I held my heart with tears in my eyes. It was instant. I was wishing I was there with her. She has known for a while she is not well even before she was diagnosed and has been holding on for as long as she could to share more time and to also prepare you. The bond you both share with each other is deep. She was not ready to be put down at the first diagnose and she says thank you for giving her more time. However she knows her journey is soon coming to an end.
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