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With the energy of the new moon portal in August 2017, my dad came to me in spirit & surrounded me with huge Amethyst crystals with messages etc. He normally stands in front of me but this time he came to me in a dream. He was in a Amethyst cave with massive size crystals surrounding me. When dad passed & went to spirit Nov 28 2016, he has given me many profound signs & is now helping me heal many things in my life that I had blocked out. I normally keep a lot to myself because it’s always been me helping others for many years now & putting my own needs aside. It has greatly taken a huge impact in my life. I do take a lot of alone time for myself to reflect back and let go etc.How ever dad can clearly see what my life truly has been like from childhood until present & this is why he is stepping forward & showing me what needs to be healed & un blocked. This is why I do the work I do because I know what its like, have been there & done that. My spiritual work is what keeps me grounded.

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jeni shaw janAs I reflect back upon 2016 with tears in my eyes & sadness in my heart it has truly changed & transformed me in a profound way which has given me much insight, clarity & wisdom. One of the many lessons I learnt was how many people took me for granted, mislead & used me especially when I was very vulnerable. I was to busy looking after others & yet it was myself that was suffering & not listening to my own soul speak. What an awakening it was for me to finally see reality while in meditation. I am truly grateful & blessed for what spirit had shown me as I was lost & very alone. I was still coming to terms & healing with having both my dogs & 17 friends pass away from 2014-2015 plus balancing everything else out on my own. It was extremely over whelming, I was passing out while I was driving & still wonder how I survived & kept myself together etc.

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The Art Of Meditation

The Art of Meditation

Recentlyjenigoodatparty,Ive had many people come to me asking me how do I meditate Jeni ? I have such a busy schedule. My philosophy is, the busier your lifestyle, the more alone time you truly need to meditate to hear your “soul speak”. We can get caught up in a busy life style due to circumstances that are out of our control. This is when we need to take our power & energy back to create a healthier life style more balanced. When we get over whelmed with many responsibilities we can get off track. Confusion & illusion can then sometimes come in leaving us with a scattered mind set. The more scattered & cluttered our mind gets, the more we do not hear our soul speak, the voice within that is our” “inner guru”. How could you possibly know what direction to go if you’re constantly on the go? Is it not time to take some alone time for you ?

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The Fall Has Arrived Time For Changes 2015

As we move into the autumn, we watch how beautiful the leaves on the trees start changing colours & feel the coolness of the nights settling in while drinking our pumpkin spiced lattes .It's important to accept change with open arms & surrender the energy to spirit with trust & faith. I feel many changes coming in many ways & when we do feel & see the changes, we need to stay grounded as best as we can energetically & surrender to your higher self to hear your soul speak. Clear out what no longer serves your higher self & ask yourself if you are truly happy ? What are you missing in your life that your not getting ? you are the only one who can make changes, we need to release the past to bring in the new. Some people do not like change but if we stay in situations where we are not at peace & loosing sleep with worry that's when we need to listen to our heart & soul speak to hear the truth. Change can be painful but if we do not resolve issues nothing changes & it brings disease & depression into our lives. We all go through cycles in life & need to accept change. If we stay stuck in our situation nothing moves forward, it creates more chaos. Once you make a decision, the universe works with you. Become one with your own soul & take your power back, your authentic empowerment ! Walk away from any & all negativity & completely distance away from drama ! Put aside fear & embrace peace ! Be aligned with your mind & heart to see clarity with your highest intention and surrender with no expectations & know all is well. Things happen for a reason. Our wounds make us stronger which brings out our true essence of our being of who we truly are.

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New Update on Soul Work on Shaw TV Sept 2 2015

New Update on" Soul Work' on Shaw TV Sept 2 2015

Its sure has been a interesting week with the energies of the super moons ! Spirit sure brought things up rather bluntly to my attention that needed to be resolved etc.I knew I had to make some big decisions on my show "Soul Work" on Shaw TV. I finally got up at 3 Am, put the coffee on & my Ipad.I immediately came across the movie "The Shift" with Dr.Wayne Dyer that Hay House was showing in tribute to his passing. It just appeared out of no where. I watched the movie & absolutely loved it.It sure confirmed many things that I needed to hear & that's how I knew the decision I had to make was the right choice as I felt at peace. The messages started to roll in from spirit loud & clear just watching the movie. Wayne Dyer was such an amazing man in many ways & truly left a huge impact in this world. What a true blessings he has been for many. I am grateful & blessed to have spirit bring me to put the movie right in front of me to give me the messages & confirmation I truly needed. I was not listening to my intuition about the decision I needed to make for a while & watching this movie gave me the conformation I truly needed, a big thank you Dr Wayne Dyer,Hay House & Spirit ! I felt his energy around me with a big smile when I said out loud thank you for the message. It was amazing.

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The Blessings Of The Full Moons This Summer 2015

The Blessings OF The Full Moon this summer 2015

So how has everyone's summer been ? We sure have had an amazing hot summer here in Calgary its been very hot indeed ! July brought in 2 full moons which gave us the opportunity to clear emotional issues that needed to be resolved within your soul etc,The full moon on July 31 was the "Blue Moon" Full Moon which represented relationships on all levels & forms etc. Full moons represent endings & also new beginnings with things. We have soul contracts with everyone karmically.Every full moon I take advantage of what emotions come up that still need to be healed & or resolved etc,thats why we have full moons every month to help us move forward in a huge way if we are ready to do so etc.The worse thing you can do is to walk away when there is opportunity presented to you from spirit. You cannot run from things it only follows you etc.Its important to reflect back upon the past 30 days of the full moon & see what lessons your soul has taught you .What lessons you do not learn from will come back until you have finally learnt the hard way.

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